Notice of Discount Rate Revision
Nichiyo will be revising its discount prices effective February 1, 2025.
Due to the rising prices in Japan and the continued depreciation of the yen, it has become difficult to maintain the existing discount prices.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please note that the discount rates will be revised across the board. Please also note that we will also be reviewing the list prices of some products.
The new discount rates and prices will be in effect from February 1, and will remain unchanged during the month of January.
If you are planning to purchase a product, please apply as soon as possible.
日清將於 2025 年 2 月 1 日起檢討折扣價格。
我們很遺憾地通知您,折扣價將全面檢討。 另請注意,部分產品的上市價格也將重新審核。
新的折扣將於 2 月 1 日開始實施,而現有的折扣率和定價格將在 1 月份維持不變。