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  Anyone, young or old, male or female, can play, and course preparation is as simple as setting up a hole post!The rules are simple and easy to understand, and anyone can enjoy the pleasure of a hole-in-one. English Rulebook Chinese Rulebook Korean Rulebook Payne Language Rulebook Polish Rulebook

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Hola a todos. Hemos renovado nuestro juego de palos de 6 piezas para promocionar el golf de tierra, muy popular entre los principiantes. El código de colores de los palos solía ser calcomanías, ¡pero ahora están pintados!Este modelo F-700 es un color limitado para este popular juego de palos. Los palos pintados son ahora más fáciles de identificar. Si usted y sus amigos van a empezar a jugar al golf de tierra, que es popular entre los principiantes. y tus amigos vais a empezar a jugar al golf de tierra, ¿por qué no empezáis con este juego de palos? Haga...

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The company is open for business today, August 19, 2024. After the convention was held at “Nagahama Dome” in July, we took a break,In September, the autumn tournament will be held at the Yokkaichi Dome.Since this is a dome facility, the tournament will not be cancelled due to weather conditions,Please feel free to incorporate it into your schedule. Please contact us if you wish to participate from overseas. クラブを購入する場合比較表があると便利です

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Nichiyo's Summer Vacation Information

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The 29th National Junior Gateball Tournament and the 22nd National Adult Gateball Tournament were held simultaneously at "Sainokuni Kumagaya Dome" in Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture on August 3-4, 2024.Little gateballers worked hard in the hot weather.   To those of you who did not place, please participate in the competition again next year and show us the results of your practice. We look forward to seeing you.

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